Before we had poodles Minarets showed and bred German Shepherds, Arabian horses, and French Lop rabbits. Our first GSD was registered in 1968. We showed him in obedience and he had his CDX title. We sold a pony to a family who had a toy poodle puppy to place. Rikki Tikki Tavi took over our house and ruled the last two GSD's with a great deal of determination and convinced us that poodles were wonderful. Over the years we have continued to show, train, groom, and occasionally have a litter of pups. We moved to Wyoming in 2017 which has changed a lot of things. We still have a horse and now a pony. I enjoyed driving when we lived in Idaho. It doesn't rain much which is good for coat care and keeping mud out of the house. The wind has days when even the people who grew up here are wishing that it would stop. I do not have toy poodles any longer. I really like the standards best. We don't have puppies regularly. Contact me if you are looking for pups. I have contacts even when I don't have pups.