Poodles at Minarets

Rocky Poodle Rally Exclnt1
Rocky Poodle Rally Exclnt1
RazziePoodle Rally Master1
RazziePoodle Rally Master1

Minarets Viento Rojo RM, RAE  Tio finished his rally titles in the fall of 2021. He loves to follow his nose and run outside.
Minarets Make A Dent In Red RM, RAE  Denny finished his rally titles in the fall of 2022.  He is a demo dog at 4-H.  He loves to visit people and is very people oriented.
Minarets Red Rocket RE  Rocky finished his RE and will start working on his RM/RAE titles in 2024.  He is a clown.  Loves to entertain us.  
Minarets Rascal In Red RM, RAE  Razzie finished his Rally Master title in Cheyenne in the fall of 2023. He is a very laid back dog.     

All of the dogs have information on VGL.  Their pedigrees and testing are available on the OFA website and by request from me: underko4546@outlook.com
The males are all house companions and enjoy living with us.